Cat Names And Meanings

Cat Names And Meanings
Cat Names And Meanings

Cat Names
By Frank Will - Ezinearticles

Cat names and the actual selection that you choose will affect both you and your cat for your entire lifetime together. In fact, when their time with you is over, you will fondly remember them as it relates to their name that you given them. Their name becomes who they are and how you or other relates to them in several ways.

Cat Names And Meanings

There will be various reasons chosen by an owner in selecting a name and it may be by pure intuition, tradition, or something about their personality. Or it may be some type of a physical characteristic that they might have.

But what ever method you choose in selecting your cats name, it should be fun, as that is the entire purpose of the name you choose that will describe them to others as well as helping you in cherishing every precious moment that you have with your cat. There will be times that may not be so precious, but that may be exactly why you named your cat what you did to start with. Here are some names that will fit different personalities.

Cat Names And Meanings

Independent Cats:

These cats seem to have a mind of their own and their name reflects this independence.
Attitude, the cat that is just a bit arrogant; Catastrophe, or a cat that is always doing something strange; Cleopatra for that elegant female; Dora, the cat that explores virtually everything; and Free; the cat that seems to want to be around but always comes back. Than there is Magic; for the cat that seems to disappear as quickly as they appear; and Maverick, just like the old western where they are there when you need them.

Other independent names might include; Moses and this cat is truly independent; Pirate, always in trouble; and Spirit, whose wit and mischief brightens your day.

Cat Names And Meanings

Funny Cats:

These cat names will fit a cat that make you laugh at almost anything that they do.
Airhead, for the cat that is funny in a dumb like way; Amos or Andy, both fit; Elmo, but you don't have to tickle this cat for them to be funny: Fonzie; just like happy days; Joker, for the cat that plays tricks; and Jester; even without a court.

Scooby; just like the cartoon character; or Slick, Snooper, or Squirt; simply because these names just seem to fit your funny cat.

Cat Names And Meanings

Loving Cats or Just Plain Gorgeous:

These names fit cats that are very kind and loving or are very attractive.

Angel; needs no explanation; Aphrodite, named after the Goddess; Bill, if you want to have some fun and name it after Mr. Clinton; Cupcake, Dolly, or Lover Boy also fit this mold. Romeo; for that loving cat that likes to wander; Snook-ums, Snuggle, and Sweat Pea also fit these loving cats. And than there is Valentino, for the cat that also has a lot of love as well as self confidence.

Cat Names And Meanings

Small Cats:

These cats may be small in stature but they deliver big when in comes to friendship. Binky, Bones, Boo-Boo, Dinky, and Half-Pint all seem to fit, as well as Itsy and Jellybean. For those cats that think they are big but just do not seem to cut the image, Killer will fit perfectly. Little Lady, for that small female, Little Guy, for the small guy; or Munchkin, all fit small cats as well. Nugget, Peanut, Pee-Wee, Skinny, Spider, and Dinky, as well as Tiny, also fit small cats.

Cat Names And Meanings

Big Cats:

Then there are the big cats and this cats name will easily identify there stature in your life and your families. Apollo, for that cat that is not only big but rather dominant; Balboa, as this cat is just like Rocky; Bam-Bam, Big Ben, or Big Bertha, as well as Big Red also fit these bigger cats.

But you can not leave out possibly selecting Boomer or Bruiser, as they are also very appropriate. Other names for these rather big cats could include Chubs, Diesel, Duke, Godzilla, or the Hit Man, if you want to really make an impression with your friends. You might also select Hoover, named after the Dam, Major, Mighty, or even Maximus if you want the Roman slant.

But the possibilities are still not done with the big cat names as they are a lot of fun to choose from. You still have Sasquatch, and if you select this one you can prove they exist; or Samson, Terminator as well as Tubby will also be excellent choices.

Cat Names And Meanings
Cat Names And Meanings

Not So Smart cats:

Not cat is dumb, but there may be some that just seem a bit short in some cases, but they are still very lovable. Some cats names for this class may include Blondie, even if it ruffles some feathers, Bimbo, Bumper, Dipstick, or Dizzy also will work. You might also try Flake, or Gump. If you are really tough add a Forest to make it Forest Gump.

Smart cats;

Now you have the inverse, those cats that are extremely smart almost to the point of being scary. Of course with these cats you may want to go the Greek route and select Aristotle or the American route and select Einstein. Or how about Dante, Monet, or Socrates; as they all make very good selections, as well as Winston if you want the British flavor.

Vocal Cats:

You companion and friend might be just a touch on the vocal side and some cats names for this group will include Babbles, Chatter, or Chirpy. If your cat is very vocal, you might opt for Decibel if you are the studious type; or Gabby if you are more subtle. Elvis may also be a selection as well as Screamer of Squeaker. If you are bit old fashioned, you may want to select Coo-Coo as they will wake you more than your clock.

Rescued Cats:

You can not leave out the rescued cats that would never have at chance at life if it were not for you, and these names are very precious. You may want to start the list here with Abby, being short for abandoned. No one will ever know the true meaning but you, which makes this name very special as well as Bones, simply because when you rescued your friend, that is what they basically were, all bones, but still full of life.

You may also opt for Bum or Clinger, but chances are you will cling to them as much as they do to you after the rescue. Other very special names in this grouping are Dreamer, Lost, Gypsy, as well as Happy; but you may also want to consider Gulliver. If they could talk, they would tell you about their travels. Retread is also fitting, but you will never look at this word the same if you select this name for your precious rescued friend.

Cats names, the more you think of them the more meaning they will have to you and your new lifetime companion. And in most cases, the name that you do select will stay with you as well as the meaning long after your cat has left you.

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