Cat Breeds For Allergy Sufferers

Cat Breeds For Allergy Sufferers
Cat Breeds For Allergy Sufferers

Given that adopting a cat is a significant commitment - they live for an average of 15 years - it makes sense to learn more about cat breeds before you buy. Two extremely popular purebreds are the Siamese and the Persian, although both of these have characteristics that may make them unsuitable choices for some people. Fortunately, there are a large number of other breeds to choose from, many of them less well known. Two of these less recognized breeds actually give hope to feline loving allergy sufferers, as they have a low-allergy coat and are generally well tolerated.

Cat Breeds For Allergy Sufferers

Although not popular, because they used to be, Siamese cats have many loyal fans, there are good reasons. They are very beautiful, intelligent, despite the introduction of modern breeding an unhealthy triangle shaped head is too tilted. Siamese are very vocal, but it could be some problems because they may be somewhat in their views in the decision. This is not the master who do not have much time to spend with their pet cats, as Siam is a very people-oriented. They love attention, they like to interact with their owners. They will follow them from room to room, and naturally very curious, mischievous when bored.

Cat Breeds For Allergy Sufferers

Unlike the Siamese, Persian, or even very hot. They get along well with other dogs and animals, and good integration of multi-cat households. They also tolerate children well. Greatest weakness - and their most prominent feature - is their amazing coat. Persian's coat requires daily brushing. It is easy to mask, and cats must have their coats trimmed calm, so keep it in good state in the long coat needs to be a priority in the Persian owners.

Cat Breeds For Allergy Sufferers
Cat Breeds For Allergy Sufferers

Siberian cat, or croshca, is another long-haired cat. It requires less than the Persian order, just need to brush twice or three times a week, not daily. Their hair is different. In the deep cold of a Russian winter survival, in croshca waterproof, a little oil coat. Siberian cats are a lot of fun, and affectionate. Like Siamese, they grow very attached to their owners, so it is worth remembering that in the choice of varieties. Siberia is the possibility of an allergic to cats, because their coats are considered hypoallergenic.

Devon rex cats is another option to those of cats allergy. They have a very thin, soft, slightly wrinkled clothing shed very little. The coat itself is also hypoallergenic. However, be warned - very naughty and mischievous Devon Rex. They also love the food, and already know quite even find hidden resourcefulness. Devon REX is very affectionate, and the other people-oriented cat, will follow you around, 'help' the housework.

Cat breeds have their own characteristics. It is worth remembering that your cat species, and then to buy learning. Do you have children or other pets? How much time do you want to spend and a cat, your work schedule permits it? Get two cats together (if you do not already have one) is never a bad idea, because it provides companionship for both parties. However, some cats who still require more than others, although they more often to at least.

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