Kittens Playing Guitar

Kittens Playing Guitar
Kittens Playing Guitar

A good way to combat a kitten's boredom and curiosity is to provide toys for it to play with and safe places for it to explore. Cat toys come in many shapes and sizes. Kitten toys can even be things you may already have around the house. It can be a blast to watch a kitten playing with a small ball or feather. Yarn is also a popular play to for kittens.

Kittens Playing Guitar

In their natural world, together with their mother and siblings, kittens play a lot together. It includes mainly of stalking, biting, scratching, pouncing, wrestling and chasing- predatory skills that a normal kitten of the wild would have to learn to survive. Play can sometimes get rough and even become aggressive between siblings. When this happens, the other kitten usually growls, retaliate or just stop playing. The mother also corrects the kitten with a growl or a swat. Kittens can send each other signals to indicate that aggression in their games is not tolerated and subconsciously teaches the kitten to control his aggression.

Kittens Playing Guitar

Kittens Playing Guitar

Kittens Playing Guitar

Kittens Playing Guitar'

Kittens Playing Guitar

Kittens Playing Guitar
Kittens Playing Guitar

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