How To Make A Cat Tree

How To Make A Cat Tree
How To Make A Cat Tree

How to Make a Cat Tree - Things to Keep in Mind As You Build Your Own Cat Tree
By D. J. Blandford - Ezinearticles

Learning how to make a cat tree is an excellent opportunity to be creative while saving up to $250 at the same time. With many costing $75 on the low side and upwards of $350 on the high side, it's no wonder do it yourselfers are looking to make their own using a good set of cat tree plans.

How To Make A Cat Tree

The tradeoff, of course, is a little bit of your time, but the payoff is well worth it. With the right tools and a good set of plans, most cat trees can be completed start to finish in just a few days or less. You'll be excited to see the finished product, knowing you created it with your own two hands. Get the entire family involved. Kids love designing things for their pets.

How To Make A Cat Tree

Things To Keep In Mind As You Build Your Own Cat Tree

As you begin the design and construction process, understand a cat tree should adequately address a few of your cat's key needs. Cats love to play, sleep, and scratch.

First, it should provide a place of safety and security. If you have a larger cat (exceeding 20lbs), it's important to use strong materials and a construction design that provides extra support. Otherwise the entire structure can tip over when your cat climbs to the upper levels.

How To Make A Cat Tree

Likewise, if you have an older cat, you'll want to make the cat tree more accessible by including ramps and/or steps. The addition of a den-like cat condo can provide a place for your cat to feel more comfy and secure. You never know when your favorite furry feline will need to get away from the family dog or hide from overzealous children.

How To Make A Cat Tree

Next, your kitty will want places to romp and play. She'll also want a place to stretch out when she wears herself out after flinging mouse and feather toys all over the living room. You can meet these needs by building in layers consisting of a variety of different sizes and shapes of platforms/shelves. Cats like to be up high so don't be afraid to build both up and out.

How To Make A Cat Tree

Build some peep holes and crawl-throughs for cats with an adventurous side. Don't forget to hang toys from the underside of upper shelves for your kitty to bat around at her leisure. Change these up from time to time to keep your kitty from getting bored.

How To Make A Cat Tree

Lastly, if you want to save the arms and legs of your couch, it's important to include scratching posts when you make a cat tree. The same posts that provide structural support for the platforms can easily be modified to double as scratching posts by wrapping them with sisal rope.

How To Make A Cat Tree
How To Make A Cat Tree

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