Cat Breeds Photos

Cat Breeds Photos
Cat Breeds Photos

Cat Breeds and Longevity
By Beverly Frank - Ezinearticles

Pets can sometimes live for a long time. Usually fish die within a few years but cats can live for much longer. Sometimes the breeds help cats, but sometimes you can't really tell. There are also other factors that you have to look into when looking at the longest and shortest living cat breeds.

Cat Breeds Photos

First off, there really isn't any firm information on the longest living cat breeds or the shortest living cat breeds. There is some information about the best way to take care of your cat and the best ways to help your cat live longer, but there isn't any firm study or information that we can count on to tell us exactly. Out of the entire cat family, jaguars usually live the longest. They can actually live up to thirty years. But let's look more at domesticated cats.

Cat Breeds Photos

The Manx and Siamese breeds of cats have been thought to be the longest living cat breeds. It has been mentioned by several people, but again, nothing is certain. Manx cats usually don't have a tail. They sometimes will have small tails, or very different size of tails from their breed, but sometimes they don't even have a tail. They are very playful and can be very powerful and move quickly. They are very loving towards their owners.

Cat Breeds Photos

Siamese cats are some of the most popular cats. They aren't the friendliest cats. They usually will only bond with one person, usually their owner, and have a hard time adjusting to children and other humans, because they again usually only bond with one person. Most cats only live to be between 10 and 15 years old. The Siamese and Manx cats have been known to live much longer, sometimes up in their 20s.

Cat Breeds Photos

There are several things that you can do to help your cat live longer. Most of the time, and indoor cat will live longer than an outdoor cat. Indoor cats don't have to worry about picking up something from outside like a disease. They do have to worry about the healthiness inside the house, but it's usually less of a problem.

Cat Breeds Photos

Also, cats who live outside, can pick up things from mice. If your cat is eating mice, the mice might be carrying a disease which is then passed on to the cat. It is just like us picking up something from something that we ate. Cat who are also outside most of the time are more likely to be run over by a car or other machine.

Cat Breeds Photos

You also have to make sure that you are feeding your cat the proper nutritional meal. Dogs shouldn't eat things like human food or chocolate because it is harmful to them. You have to make sure that you are feeding your cat the proper meal so that they don't end up hurting or getting a disease from something they weren't supposed to eat.

Cat Breeds Photos
Cat Breeds Photos

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