Cats For Sale

Cats For Sale
Cats For Sale

Beware of Exotic Big Cats For Sale
By Lucy Bushman - Ezinearticles

In just about any country in the world, it is illegal to keep a wild feline as a pet, especially if that wild feline is bigger than an average housecat. And yet day after day animal control officers and animal rescue groups discover adult big cats - even lions and tigers - being kept as "pets" in tiny barred cages. How are these people finding exotic big cats for sale?

Cats For Sale

On The Internet

Whether it's chat rooms, forums, the who-knows-who network or blatant classifieds, these are the many ways you can find illegal wild pets for sale online. New Yorkers in 2003 got an eye-opener when it was discovered a 400 pound tiger was living in an apartment building. It's thought that that tiger was bought as a cute little cub online from someone who was illegally breeding the animals.

Breeders can be found all over the world, including Canada and the United States that offer exotic big cats for sale. They have absolutely no regard for the animals in their care, the animals they breed or for the owners of the young cubs bought. Make no mistake - they are not animal lovers. They only love money. And they have discovered an easy way to part idiots from their money.
Cats For Sale

The Fate Of These Pets

Both the big cats and their owners often face a miserable life in some sort of cage. The owners are caged by the animal's need to eat pounds and pounds of very expensive fresh meat, and have some sort of care. They can't go out for a walk like a dog because of the panic that would ensue. Inevitably, they cannot control or care for an animal that weighs hundreds of pounds. Even if they have been declawed and defanged, the animals are still dangerous.

But it's the big cats themselves who suffer the most. They are raised in an environment that they were not evolved to live in. They need to wander miles each day and have some degree of independence in order to be happy and healthy. Once the cute phase has worn off, and the owner suffers his or her first hospitalization spell, the big cat is doomed to spend the rest of their lives in a tiny cage, without any contact or cleaning.

Cats For Sale

Don't Fall For It

Governments of the world barely care for their people, let alone their animals. It is up to individuals in order to stop the cruel and illegal breeding of exotic big cats for sale by stopping the flow of cash to the breeders and sellers. If you see an add for a cute lynx, puma, lion or whatever, don't contact this person. Contact your local animal control center for advice. If there is any legislation coming up in your community about banning the ownership of wild animals for pets, please vote to for it. And put out the word that this unnecessary cruelty must come to an end.

Cats For Sale

Cats For Sale

Cats For Sale

Cats For Sale
Cats For Sale

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