Cat Breeds

Cat Breeds
Cat Breeds

According to the Cat Fancier's Association, or the CFA, there are forty one pedigreed cat breeds recognized by them. They number the most popular cat breeds in the following list:

1. Persian
2. Maine Coon
3. Exotic
4. Siamese
5. Abyssinian
6. Ragdoll
7. Birman
8. American Shorthair
9. Oriental
10. Sphynx
11. Norwegian Forest Cat
12. Burmese
13. Cornish Rex
14. Devon Rex
15. Tonkinese
16. British Shorthair
17. Scottish Fold
18. Ocicat
19. Russian Blue
20. Egyptian Mau
21. Somali
22. Manx
23. Color point shorthair
24. Selkirk Rex
25. Chartreux
26. American Curl
27. Japanese Bobtail
28. Turkish Angora
29. European Burmese
30. Siberian
31. Singapura
32. American Bobtial
33. Javanese
34. Turkish Van
35. Korat
36. Balinese
37. Havana Brown
38. Ragamuffin
39. Bombay
40. American Wirehair
41. LaPerm

Cat Breeds

Cat Breeds

Cat Breeds

Cat Breeds

Cat Breeds

Cat Breeds

Cat Breeds

Cat Breeds

Cat Breeds
Cat Breeds

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