Cat Names For Orange Cats

Cat Names For Orange Cats
Cat Names For Orange Cats

Great Naming Ideas For Orange Cats and Kittens
By Larry Truett - Ezinearticles

I've been compiling a list of names for orange cats and kittens for some time now. There are a number of inspiring sources for orange kitty names, including fire, orange foods, and sunny things. There are many foods ranging from yellow to red that make fantastic names for orange cats.

Cat Names For Orange Cats

Spices make excellent names for cats. Clove, Cumin and Nutmeg are good for cats with slightly darker coats. Curry is good for a more yellow cat, Ginger is perfect if more orange, and Cinnamon or Paprika if more red or for a very active cat.

Cat Names For Orange Cats

Fruits can be used for names. Citrus is a good name for any hue, as there are a variety of citrus fruits, all of them in the yellow to red spectrum. Banana is good for a more yellow kitty, especially fitting if they are something of a goof ball. For an orange cat consider Mango, Pumpkin, or Tangerine - which are all very orange fruits. Tomato fits a very red cat.

Cat Names For Orange Cats

For a sweet cat consider the name of something sweet. Butterscotch and Carmel are both sweet toppings in a soft orange color. Custard is a soft yellow, while Creamsicle is a more vibrant orange. Twinkies of course, are a light yellow.

Cat Names For Orange Cats

More yellow foods are Butter (very yellow) and Mustard (spicy - good for an active cat). More orange foods are Cheddar (the cheese), Marmalade, Tang (the instant powdered orange juice), Tropicana (the famous orange juice brand), and Yolk (the orange center of an egg).

Cat Names For Orange Cats

Another red food is Catsup or Ketchup. Note that Catsup has the word cat in it. Don't forget the sun when thinking of names, especially for a happy cat. Examples are Solar, Summer, Sunny, and Sunshine.

Fire is usually seen as red, and so good for a reddish cat. Fiery names are Blaze, Fireball, and Flame. Many flowers are yellow including Buttercup, Dandelion, and Saffron. Note that Dandelion also has the word lion, which is a very big cat, in it. Two famous orange cats are Morris (who starred in cat food commercials in the 1970s) and Tigger (who was in the Winnie the Pooh books).

Cat Names For Orange Cats
Cat Names For Orange Cats

Don't overlook orange gems or metal, including Amber (more yellow), Bronze (orange - red), Copper (red), or Topaz (yellow). Some other orange stuff is Autumn (with orange leaves), Cheetah (a big yellow cat), Five Ball (the orange ball in the game of pool), Halloween (which has the traditional colors of orange and black), Iodine (which is red), and Mars (which is the red planet).

Finally, consider some more words that describe orange like Auburn (dark orange), Crimson (very red), Gold (or Goldie), Ochre, and Rusty (dark red).

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